Many thanks to all the Young Research Group Leaders at BioTechMed Graz for the invitation to present to the joint research teams of Biomedical Science, Technological Developments and Medical/Clinical Applications in the beautiful University of Graz.
Title of presentation: 'How sharing home and parental responsibilities protects your career, your relationship and your happiness'.
Feedback from Dr. Anita Emmersdorfer-Augustin, Young Researcher Group Leader, Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, Graz University of Technology:
'At our last BioTechMed-Graz Science Breakfast, Paula Fyans spoke about how awareness and equal sharing of The Invisible Job can improve the wellbeing of both - men and women - in a light, funny and scientifically based way. There was lots of laughter, consenting nodding and thoughtful faces. With her work, she significantly influences, and hopefully changes, how we think of gender roles at home and in the work place. Even though most of the people in the audience were women, more and more men start to acknowledge that there is an imbalance, which, in the long run will be essential to help better distribute The Invisible Job'.
For more information on BioTechMed-Graz research group or the Science Breakfast Presentation click here
by KW Solutions